Sunday, 1 September 2019

Thinking Pedagogically about GoSoapBox

 The GoSoapBox logo at

GoSoapBox (GSB) is Student Response Systems (SRS) that was launched in 2012 and has grown in popularity within and across primary, secondary and tertiary educational contexts. While SRSs traditionally take the form of a system of wireless handheld devices that allow students to answer questions in real time (Méndez-Coca & Slisko, 2013), GoSoapBox provides the same functionality in a web-based form. Its features include multiple-choice polls, open-ended discussion questions and social chat, allowing students to pose questions as well as start and engage in discussion (Carroll, Sankupellay, Rodgers, Newcomb, Cook, 2018). A particularly useful feature is a ‘barometer’ that aids the teacher in gauging the perceived level of understanding a class has in relation to content being discussed.
                                               The 'Confusion Barometer at GoSoapBox

As an SRS, GSB is grounded in the Social Constructivist pedagogical perspective that emphasises the importance of social and cultural elements in learning (Bower, 2017). According to this perspective, knowledge is constructed socially with cultural context playing a key role in its interpretation (Hung, 2001). GSB’s value is perhaps best assessed when it is considered in relation to the elements of Bandura’s (1977) Social Learning Theory. Arguing that humans develop knowledge by observing and interacting with others, Bandura proposed that learning occurs across a series of four processes: attentional, retentional, motor production and motivational.

                                                 An 'event' menu at GoSoapBox

Attentional Processes

Bandura (1977) argued that learners are more likely to be attentive to behaviours that are desirable and that they will most likely be required to imitate. GSB provides ‘vote up’ system where preference can be given to comments that are considered the most helpful. A teacher can take advantage of this immediate feedback in a live forum to shape the nature of their content and interaction (Carroll et al, 2018). 

 Retentional Processes
Retentional processes provide opportunities for behaviour to be viewed and rehearsed before it is performed (Carroll et al, 2018). As GSB is constructed in a written form, students have the chance to review and edit their contribution before publishing it. They can also read and consider ideas shared and discussed by their peers.

Motor Processes
Motor processes relate to the decisions learners make about when and how to participate in learning activities (Carroll et al, 2018). In its favour, GSB has a feature that allows for anonymous participation. However, all comments are viewed by the entire class and are open to criticism that can be both constructive and deconstructive. Teacher moderation is required to ensure a positive learning environment is maintained.

Motivational Processes
SLT posits that learners are motivated the most to model behaviour that leads to pleasing results (Carroll et al, 2018). GSB provide students with the ability to ask questions within traditionally silent lecture style context in a safe and regulated way.  

Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. New York, NY: General Learning Press.

Bower, M. (2017). Design of technology-enhanced learning: Integrating research and practice. Retrieved from

Carroll, J., Sankupellay, M., Rodgers, J., Newcomb, M., & Cook, R. (2018). GoSoapBox in public health tertiary education: A student response system for improving learning experiences and outcomes.  Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(5), 58-71.

Hung, D. (2001). Theories of learning and computer-mediated instructional technologies. Educational Media International, 38(4), 281 – 287.

Méndez-Coca, D., & Slisko, J. (2013). Software Socrative and smartphones as tools for implementation of basic processes of active physics learning in classroom: An initial feasibility study with prospective teachers. European Journal of Physics Education, 4(2), 17-24. Retrieved from

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